Transport Phenomena Module

With the new Transport Phenomena Module for VGStudio MAX, you calculate material properties by performing virtual experiments on CT scans of, e.g., soil and rock samples, other porous materials, or composite materials. The module performs all experiments directly on voxel data – no meshing required.


  • perform pore-scale simulations directly on CT scans of porous and multi-component materials;
  • use virtual flow and diffusion experiments to calculate homogenized material properties such as absolute permeability, tortuosity, formation factor, molecular diffusivity, electrical resistivity, thermal conductivity, or porosity;
  • calculate tensor-valued material properties for anisotropic samples;
  • stop and re-start the calculation for inspecting intermediate solutions;
  • use pore-scale simulation results in upscaled simulations by enriching imported mesh cells in various formats (e.g., NASTRAN, PATRAN) by adding homogenized material properties determined with VGStudio MAX 3.0; and
  • use these enriched mesh cells in third-party simulation software.

Capillary Pressure Module (part of the Transport Phenomena Module):

  • the Capillary Pressure Module provides quantities that are used, e.g., in Geosciences to characterize soil and rock samples.
  • it computes the pore size distribution and the capillary pressure drainage curve for a scanned porous material.
  • it also performs virtual MICP (mercury injection capillary pressure) experiments.
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