SFB-50 is a modular; PC-based ultrasonic data acquisition and evaluation system, developed for high-volume digital data acquisition, imaging and evaluation of in-service train rail flaws.
- a towed system by a service car or installed system on Hi-Rail car.
- fully integrated, PC-based rail testing systems, from single to 16 channels.
- testing speeds to 30 km/hr (20 m.p.h) at full multi-channel performance, with guaranteed return-to-defect within 20cm (8 Inches).
- programmable gates per channel provide real-time longitudinal B-scan images.
- automatic, on-the-fly adjustment to rail height variations.
- straightforward, single-screen control of system from operator console.
- real-time evaluation of flaws from B-scan images.
- off-line analysis and processing of stored and archived data.
- full documentation of test results for periodic monitoring of defect growth.