Nominal/Actual Comparison

The improved VGStudio MAX 3.0 Nominal/Actual Comparison Module allows for a direct comparison of voxel data with CAD or other voxel data. Being able to directly compare the dimensions of a part within one software environment is much more efficient than any conventional method.

After you’ve used the Coordinate Measurement Module to fit the CT data set to, e.g., the nominal CAD model, VGStudio MAX 3.0 determines oversize and undersize over the entire surface. The data set is color-coded according to its deviation from the specification. A report containing statistical data as well as 2D and 3D images of the critical areas is generated.


  • allows the geometric comparison on CAD data, mesh data (.stl), and, of course, on voxel data (e.g., a defined ‘good part’);
  • color-codes the data set according to its deviation;
  • allows the application of tolerances to the nominal/actual comparison with various parameters, e.g., deviation (minimum, maximum, cumulated); and
  • processes faulty CAD or mesh data.
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