Y.Panel – Digital flat-panel detectors from YXLON

YXLON has over 10 years of experience with digital flat-panel detectors in industrial environments. Our staff is represented in committees at ASTM International and works intensively with BAM (German Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing). With their expert knowledge these people have contributed decisively to industry standards.

  • pixel specification adapted to the software’s pixel correction
  • choice of models selected to correspond to the application
  • own design for the necessary detector mount and shielding
  • close collaboration with key detector manufacturers

Whether inspecting welds, carbon fiber-enhanced plastics assemblies, electronics assemblies or cast parts: Each application calls for a suitable detector design to obtain optimal image quality and detail detectability.

YXLON selects different models from various manufacturers to accomplish this. At times special modifications are agreed with these manufacturers, for instance to reduce sensitivity. This allows work using a higher dose, yet without overloading the detector. That, in turn, lowers quanta noise and distinctly increases detail detectability due to a better SNR, the signal-to-noise ratio.

The topic of product lifespan was also resolved together with the manufacturer several years ago in a joint testing program, for example concerning model Y.Panel XRD detectors. Together with the manufacturer YXLON has equally agreed a pixel specification of its own for these Y.Panel XRD models that extends clearly beyond the definition for standard models and aligns itself to ASTM 2597-E07. It takes into consideration that the correctional algorithm in Y.IMAGE software finds sufficient perfect adjacent pixels present to correct the gray-scale value from insufficiently responding pixels.

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